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Friday, June 25, 2010

Tea Bag Fertilizer

This is actually Liz's idea, and I wanted to try it, I thought I would do it today so I did. Tea bag Fertilizer, -very cool The idea is basically make a fertilizer "Tea Bag" and let it seep in water and use that to water your plants with. Its an organic way to fertilize and it doesn't burn the plants. I used a big old plastic garbage can, and filled it with water, then used a pillowcase and filled it with composted steer manure that I got from Lowe's ($1.26 a bag) and it was so quick and easy. Instant yucky water! Anyway, I just needed a little fertilizer and it seeped and kept me from having to try and work more fertilizer into the soil, and was so super easy. Its a winner idea in my book, so way to go sis! I had to remind my son to keep his hands out though... yuk.

Oh and guess what? I was so excited.. I have baby pumpkins, squash, and potatoes, and peas... so much more fun the spinach and lettuce ! yeah, love it when I can see the cool little veggies.

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